DA Nose Plastic Surgery : Line Rhinoplasty

DA Nose Plastic Surgery : Line Rhinoplasty

Duration of operation / 1hr 30min - 2hrs
Anesthesia / Sedation
Hospitalization / Not required
Stitch Removal / After 7 days
Recovery / Daily routine after a week


Select the best matching nose-line for the face 
Collaboration of diverse surgery materials and appropriate surgical method 
Design an outline of nose bridge and nose tip in balance to the overall face 
Create an ideal, best-matching nose

Characteristics of DA Line Rhinoplasty
Create a perfect line for my nose! 

1 Choosing my own nose line Shape the nose bridge and nose tip in balance to overall face 
  • A half-pointed nose line with its tip higher than the bridge Creates a baby-face by making up for long facial shape!
  • A Straight line from bridge to tip Effective for shorter facial shape, gives more sophisticated impression!
  • Combination of half-pointed line and straight line, half-pointed straight line Naturally lift up the nose and create a clearly three dimensional face!

2 Detailed diagnosis and safe rhinoplasty! 
Check result of surgery in prior with 3D CT 
A 1:1 customized and safe diagnosis with high-tech equipment

  • A very detailed and in-depth scanning An accurate scanning with below 0.1mm possibility of error
  • Predict the practical result of operation A dimensional analysis solves both aesthetical and functional problems
  • No worries on radiation due to usage of LED white light Solves problems caused by radiation that may be harmful to human body

3 DA’s unique know-hows on RHINOPLASTY!
DA’s proportion and angle of an ideal nose! Ideal rhinoplasty with DA’s unique know-hows

Proportion of nose

An ideal proportion of upper, central, and lower face is 1:1:0.9

An ideal width of nose is 1/5 of overall width of face.

The suitable line of nose bridge is when its width is 10~13mm starting from inner tips of both eyebrows to equilibrium of nose tip.

The Angle of the Nose

The most beautiful angle of nose is when the nose bridge and tip of the nose is 35 degrees.

A beautiful angle of the nose is when angle between nose bridge and forehead is 120 to 130 degrees and when angle between the nose tip and philtrum is 95 to 105 degrees.

Classic rhinoplasty vs LINE RHINOPLASTY

Standardized implants and surgical methods / Various surgical methods that are customized to each individual

Unbalanced nose line from exaggerated nose bridge or uncomely nasal tip / S-line nose that naturally stretches from forehead to tip of the nose

Awful combination of nose shape and implant / Beautifully balanced with overall face with natural nose and even natural forehead

Only focused on aesthetic view / High quality surgery that solves functional problems as well

Contact us for a free online consultation!

TEL/Whatsapp : +82 10 3492 7111

Email : info-en@daprs.com

Kakao : daprsen

Skype/Line/Wechat : daplasticsurgery

Webpage : http://daprs.com/en

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  1. Hi there. Thanks for sharing your blog. Since rhinoplasty ranks among the most challenging of all cosmetic procedures, at a bare minimum you should find a surgeon with genuine rhinoplasty expertise, considerable rhinoplasty experience, and a resume of consistently favorable results.

    Affordable Rhinoplasty Philippines


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