
Showing posts from August, 2017

Real Patient Review: Facial Contouring Surgery

Real Patients, Real Results! This patient underwent Facial Contouring and Rhinoplasty at DA At DA, we prove through results! Check out her before and after photos below! BEFORE BEFORE BEFORE AFTER AFTER AFTER For price and other inquiries, please contact us through messenger  - Kakao : daprsen  - Line : daplasticsurgery - WhatsApp : +82 10 3455 7111  Follow us on SNS!  - Facebook: - Instagram: - YouTube:

Fat Grafting at DA

Fat Grafting at DA  Fill up the volume in your face with fat grafting.  DAā€™s fat grafting collects pure fat by using centrifugal separator and bring highly satisfactory results with high engraftment rate of the transplanted fat.  Turn back time with DA's Fat Graft For price and other inquiries, please contact us through messenger  - Kakao : daprsen  - Line : daplasticsurgery - WhatsApp : +82 10 3492 7111  Follow us on SNS!  - Facebook: - Instagram: - YouTube:

Real Patient Selfie: Facial Contouring + Rhinoplasty

  Real Patients, Real Results! This patient underwent Facial Contouring (Square Jaw, Zygoma, Front Chin) and Rhinoplasty at DA At DA, we prove through results! Check out her before and after photos below! BEFORE BEFORE BEFORE AFTER AFTER AFTER AFTER

Real Patient Selfie: Facial Contouring + Eye Surgery

Real Patients, Real Results! This patient underwent Facial Contouring (Square Jaw, Zygoma, Front Chin) and  Eye Surgery (Epicanthoplasty and Ptosis Correction) at DA At DA, we prove through results!                                                BEFORE BEFORE AFTER AFTER AFTER For price and other inquiries, please contact us through messenger  - Kakao : daprsen  - Line : daplasticsurgery - WhatsApp : +82 10 3492 7111  Follow us on SNS!  - Facebook: - Instagram: - YouTube:

DA- Where beauty begins

Check out our new video, introducing DA's new model!  Available on YouTube and Facebook!  YouTube: -  Facebook: - 

Real Patient Selfie: Aquiline Nose Surgery

Real Patients, Real Results! This patient underwent eye and nose surgery at DA (Non-incisional double eyelid surgery, epicanthoplasty, rhinoplasty (for aquiline nose)) At DA, we prove through results! BEFORE BEFORE AFTER 3 MONTHS AFTER 3 MONTHS AFTER 6 MONTHS AFTER 6 MONTHS 

Real Patient Selfie: Eye Surgery

Real Patients, Real Results   This patient underwent eye surgery (epicanthoplasty, double eyelid) + rhinoplasty                     The reason for undergoing surgery: "I always had a complex about my eyes and nose. I did have a double eyelid, but it wasn't visible when I opened my eyes and my makeup got smudged. I also had a small nose but it was flat and I was always envious of people's sidelines. I was very worried about going under the knife. But after my consultation at DA, I felt like I could trust them and that's why I decided to undergo eye and nose surgery".  Before Surgery After 1 Month After 3 Months  After 6 Months After 1 Year

Real Patient: Facial Contouring (Square Jaw + Zygoma + Front Chin)

Real Patient Real Results!  This patient underwent Facial Contouring at DA  (Square Jaw + Zygoma Reduction + Front Chin Surgery)  Check out her before and after selfies! BEFORE BEFORE AFTER AFTER AFTER For more information please visit our website! Contact Us: Kakao:  daprsen Line:  daplasticsurgery WhatsApp:  + 82 10 3492 7111  Facebook: YouTube: Instagram:

Mommy Makeover at DA!

Mommy Makeover at DA   BEFORE & AFTER Why not treat yourself to a mommy makeover! DA specializes in anti-aging treatments, such as lifting, fat grafting, fillers, liposuction, etc. Candidates for Mommy Makeover: -If pregnancy or aging has negatively affected the size and shape of your body -Stressed about sagging abdomen and stretch marks -Your body line does not improve with diet and exercise  -Have sagging breasts, asymmetrical breasts, decreased breast volume, drooping nipples and/or stretched areolas -Have excessive fat around the abdomen, hips, arms and thighs  -Early signs of aging in your face and eyes  -Have thick waistlines and undefined body line  Type of Procedures: -Anti-Aging Treatments (Laser, Botox, Fillers, etc). -Fat Grafting -Lifting  -Breast Surgery -Abdominoplasty -Liposuction  -Other treatments if necessary  *Recovery time depends on the treatment receive...