DA Dermatology Tightening & Regeneration Solution 4 : PRP

DA Dermatology Tightening & Regeneration Solution 4 : PRP

What is PRP?

PRP is a procedure that injects the growth factor inside the blood into the skin by separating using centrifuge.

PRP Growth Factor

PRP is platelet-rich plasma, which is concentrate of platelet below plasma earned by centrifugation of blood. This concentrate of platelet contains growth factors such as Cytokine, PDGF, TGF-B1, VEGF, IGF, and etc. Once the concentrate of platelet is injected into the skin, the growth factor induces skin regeneration by itself, resulting in effect of skin improvement such as anti-aging control.

Advantages of PRP Injection

  • Simple and comfortable procedure You can anticipate excellent effect from simple procedure and can return to daily life quickly because there is very little pain.

  • Excellent skin improvement effect You can anticipate excellent effect from simple procedure and can return to daily life quickly because there is very little pain.

  • Stability without rejection symptoms There is no rejecting reaction towards foreign substance due to usage of own blood.

Candidates for PRP Treatment

  • Those who want to reduce the size of pores 
  • Those who look tired due to dark circles 
  • Those who look aged because of wrinkles
  • Those who have scars or traces of acne 
  • Those who look aged due to lack of skin elasticity

Contact us for a free online consultation!

TEL/Whatsapp : +82 10 3492 7111

Email : info-en@daprs.com

Kakao : daprsen

Skype/Line/Wechat : daplasticsurgery

Webpage : http://daprs.com/en

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