DA Dermatology Whitening Program : Pigmentation

DA Dermatology Whitening Program : Pigmentation

True beauty comes from beautiful skin! 
It is a program that creates a bright and glowy skin from dull skin by analyzing various reasons for pigmentation

What is pigmentation?

  • Pigmentation is when melanin gets pigmented and appears as brown dots, which mostly appears after 20’s due to sun exposure or genetic factors
  • It usually appears symmetrically on both left and right side of face and in a shape of widely spread pigmentation unlike a dot. It tends to appear more seriously during the summer

Causes of pigmentation

  • Repetitive exposure to the sun or heat
  • Genetic Factors
  • Stress
  • Influence of hormone from pregnancy or taking birth control pills

Pigmentation Treating Solution
DA runs appropriate treatment depending on the type and severity of pigmentation

1 Dual Toning

Dual toning is a method that improves pigmentation by using laser with 2 different wavelength range

SPECTRA XT LASER Spectra XT Laser shoots low energy of “1064NM Q-SWITCHED ND:YAG LASER” repetitively to destroy melanin pigment to improve spots of pigmentation without damaging the melanin cells by minimizing the damage from heat

CLARITY LASER CLARITY Laser uses “755NM LONG-PULSED ALEXANDRITE LASER” to relieve the infection of skin layer and expedite the regeneration of collagen for improvement of pigmentation. It is usually treated every 1 to 2 weeks for about 10 to 15 minutes each

2 Whitening Treatment

Vital Iont It helps cure pigmentation using Iontophoresis machine, by interfusing a medication like Vitamin C deep into the skin 

Ionzyme It interfuses Vitamin A, C, AHA, and etc., which are helpful for whitening and regenerating of skin, into skin layer using activated current and ultrasonic wave to improve pigment and fine wrinkles and help prevent aging

3 Skin Decortication

The method of discharging dead skin cells that are piled in the skin layer and melanin pigment using medicine

4 Remove worsening factors

Minimize damage to skin from sun exposure by applying enough sunblock and reduce the use of cosmetics or drugs that cause skin damage

Pigmentation Treatment Precautions

  • Avoid going to places that involve high temperature such as spa and sauna during the period of treatment 
  • Apply sunscreen(over SPF30) every 3-4 hours when you go out. 
  • An oral birth control pill may stimulate melanin cells and worsen the pigmentation, so you should consult your doctor whether you can consume it or not. 
  • If necessary, you can be prescribed a whitening cream to prevent pigmentation

Visit DA and Meet Dr. Lee
Contact us!
KAKAO : daprsen
LINE : daplasticsurgery
WhatsApp : +82 10 3492 7111

 Academic Background & Training 

Seoul National University Hospital plastic surgery specialist
Seoul National University Hospital plastic surgery clinical instructor
Seoul National University Hospital plastic surgery adjunct professor
Seoul National University Medical Graduate School PhD.

 Active Organizations 

Life member of The Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
Member of The Korean Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Member of Korean Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association
Member of Korean Facial Contouring Plastic Surgery Research Society
Member of Korean Eye Plastic Surgery Research Society
Member of International Confederation of Plastic and Reconstructive Aesthetic Surgery(IPRAS)

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