DA Anesthesia Types & Process

DA Anesthesia Types & Process


Anesthesia is a medical technique of putting patient into unconsciousness for certain amount of time by using medical drugs to relieve pain and for surgeries or examination that requires patient to be motionless.

DA Preoperative examination

Plastic surgery is a kind of surgical operation and is mostly combined with anesthesia, so a detailed examination to determine if the patient can endure anesthesia, and then a suitable type and dosage of anesthesia is decided depending on the current condition and medical history of patient.

  • Consultation and diagnosis
  • Hemoglobin, Red and white blood cell, Platelet
  • Blood coagulation test
  • ECG test Chest X-ray
  • Inbody measurement (Height, weight, BMI)
  • 3D-CT
  • Ultrasonography

Types of DA Anesthesia

1 General Anesthesia 

A general anesthesia is an anesthetic action that keeps the whole body motionless with no consciousness, feeling, movement, and reflex action in which the body does not react to any pain or stimulation and can not breath by itself unlike sedation. General anesthesia includes inhalation anesthesia, where an anesthetic gas is inhaled by the lung, and intravenous anesthesia, where an anesthetic injection is injected to the veins, and is usually done for facial contouring surgery, double jaw surgery, breast surgery, and etc. The anesthesia specialist go through the medical history, then decides and runs the proper method of anesthesia.

2 Sedative Anesthesia(Sedation) 

Sedative anesthesia is an anesthetic method that puts patient into sleep by injecting proper drug but with some consciousness. Mostly, minimum amount of sleep inducer such as midazolam is injected to give relaxing effect. Sedating anesthesia is usually used for surgeries and procedures that doesn't involve cutting of the bone such as rhinoplasty, fat grafting, thermage, ulthera, and etc. An anesthesia specialist decides and uses a proper anesthetic drug by examining the condition of patient depending on the type of treatment.

3 Local Anesthesia

Local anesthesia is an anesthetic method in which an anesthetic drug is injected to the peripheral nerve that takes control of specific part of the body to shut off nerve conduction in certain parts of body. Unlike general anesthesia, patients can breath by themselves, so no other anesthetic equipment is needed. It is usually used in eyelid surgery, lip surgery, and petit surgery.

4 Painless Anesthesia 

When receiving local anesthesia, pain disappears after the anesthesia, but it is painful during the injection. In order to reduce the severity of pain, a type of local anesthesia called painless anesthesia is used. As opposed to sedative anesthesia, the maintenance period for anesthesia is only 3 to 5 minutes, and is also safe to be used to children. Unlike the regular anesthesia where breathing is lessened, painless anesthesia increases breathing, so there is no need to worry for apnea, but the body may react to it just as if it went through a slight jogging. Accordingly, patients with heart disease or who are treated for high blood pressure is recommended regular local anesthesia than painless anesthesia.

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Email : info-en@daprs.com

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