What is DA’s smile double jaw surgery?

What is DA’s smile double jaw surgery?

Double jaw surgery aims for a restoration of oral functions and demonstrate aesthetic beauty by adjusting location of upper and lower jaw. A true concept of double jaw surgery does not limit on the concept of plastic surgery which seeks for beauty only, but seeking balance of oral health and beautiful face all together.

Smile double jaw surgery is DA’s double jaw surgery method that analyzes upper and lower jaw to improve physical functioning of jaw and considers mouth shape, philtrum, smile, and etc. to figure out an aesthetically ideal location for rearrangement of upper jaw and osteotomy of lower jaw.

  • Select a proper location for osteotomy considering facial balance and shape of philtrum/mouth for functional improvement.
  • Completion of double jaw surgery with for natural smile by pushing clock-wise rotated upper jaw bone inside.
  • Complete an unfailing double jaw surgery with ideal rearrangement of upper jaw and firm fixation of lower jaw.
  • No possibility of nutcracker face due to over correction.

"DA Creates Natural Beauty"


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