Winter Citrus: Grapefruit benefits and recipes!

Winter Citrus: Grapefruit Season is here! Winter is the season for grapefruits! This misspelled fruit (seriously grape?fruit? - so confusing!) is a subtropical fruit that has a sour and semi-sweet taste. It is full of Vitamin C and its best to consume on a cold winter-day to boost your immune system. Here are different ways you can consume grapefruit! 1. Grapefruit Ade or Tea It's refreshing to enjoy grapefruit as it is but making grapefruit ade or tea allows you to enjoy more flavors. Prepare two grapefruits (preferably same sizes) and equal amount of sugar. Slice the grapefruits and mix it with sugar and sill it in a glass jar for 2~4 days in the fridge. 2. Mix it with yogurt Grapefruit is known for its weight loss benefits. Mixed with sugar free plain yogurt or Greek yogurt and it can become the best diet food. Mix diced grapefruit with yogurt, and add nuts, cereal or maple syrup on top for ...