Real Story: Facial Contouring + Eyes + Under Eye Surgery

Real Patients, Real Results! 

At DA, we prove through results 

List of Surgeries:

-Facial Contouring
-Ptsosis Correction 
-Under Eye Fat Repositioning







"Before surgery, I was very shy, less talkative and liked to stay at home. Also people told me I looked angry and looked really tired. After surgery, my personality has changed completely! I love going out and meeting friends, and taking photographs. Also people tell me that I am pretty wherever I go and it helps boost my confidence and self esteem. My results are so natural I am 100% satisfied!".

For price and other inquiries, please contact us through messenger 

-Kakao: daprsen 
-Line: daplasticsurgery
-WhatsApp: +82 10 3455 7111 

Follow us on SNS! 



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